Sunday, February 1, 2009

Winter Storm '09

Well, we had our first good snow storm of the season this past week. It consisted of some snow, some ice, topped off with some more snow. The total accumulation totaled about 8".

Since Alexi had 4 snow days we were able to squeeze in a walk around a local park. Sherman was lucky enough to join us in our adventure. Really, there isn't much else that I can say about it so why don't you take a gander at the pictures.

Alexi, ready for a walk.

Here are some shots of the ice.

Alexi in awe at the beauty of the ice.

Aren't they cute? I'm excited to start a family with them!

Poor Tree

Some landscapes of the snow

What kind of winter walk would it be if there weren't portraits of Sherman?

Hey Alexi, you have snow on your face.

This post brought to you by Subaru and my Mom. Thanks for letting me use your car!

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